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Poet Friends of Moerike

Wilhelm Waiblinger
in English Translation
Wilhelm Waiblinger and Eduard Moerike were close friends while they were students of
theology at the seminary in Tuebingen. But the two young men were markedly different in
character, Waiblinger the talented, dashing romantic who, already at the age of 17 could
publish his first novel. Moerike was the retiring, unruffled, unfulfilled would-be-poet. In spite
of their closeness Moerike understood the danger involved in such a friendship and later
broke it off. Both went separate ways, both became notable Swabian poets of their day.
Waiblinger died in Rome at the age of twenty five. Moerike lived to be seventy-one.
German Romantic Poet
1804 - 1830
Lied der Liebe in die Heimat               Song of Love for You at Home
Der Kirchhof                                     The Churchyard
Der Abendstern                                The Evenig Star
Deutscher Kuenstler in Rom               German Artist in Rome
An Hoelderin                                     To Hoelderin
Ave Maria                                          Ave Maria