In the Wheat ~ Songs in Your Presence
It was neither swivel nor leash
You used to bind.
It was some living cord
through which savory morsels
were being conveyed—
to which I soon became addicted.
You haven't forgotten all those moments
I had with You
in closed rooms of intimacy, have You?
Or did You perhaps, later, when others came
who might have learned to love You better?
There was one among us with high shoulders,
Patrick by name,
who seemed to know You well already
and what You expected.
So we watched
and even walked like he,
but worried secretly
You might shower Your attention on him
and have less left over for us.
Did You know
that during a break in games
or just before we served a ball
we would glance over through the trees
to Your chapel,
for just a fleeting second?
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