In the Wheat ~ Songs in Your Presence


On thinking back I remember You
as being young and dark
and somehow weak
which was irresistibly attractive
and what was more
You were near,
as if in a room next to mine
alone and waiting.


It was as if You had torn down
all the limits between us
except for that one wall
where we lingered,
insisting we wanted over.
But You didn't banish us
for wanting knowledge
but went right on
squandering liberties
on us, regardless—
or was it because of
our endless hankering?


There were robins nesting
at the infirmary window
when I was sick
and had planned on
being alone with You,
but I spent all my time
getting better at the window
without feeling
I had slighted You whatsoever.


When You kept me behind
the thin glass of distance,
how did You put up with
my repeated query as to why
You were abusing me
so thoroughly?

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